Friday, March 1, 2013

Spring Break 2013

I have never been one for the traditional American college student spring break. For the last two years my spring breaks have involved backpacking training trips in freezing conditions, and ocean kayaking around islands in the south east. I wanted to do something different (and warm!) so naturally I choose North Africa. My first two choices Tunisia and Egypt weren't really options because of all the political issues, and the fact that my parents would probably fly over to Italy to stop me. Thus, MOROCCO.

I wanted to keep the group small, and filled with people who shared my sentiments about an nontraditional spring break. I of course asked Teresa who I already knew would be down. A few weeks before the trip we found Nate on the N6 bus heading back to JFRC at 2am on a Wednesday. We started talking, and by the time the bus hit Via Massimi Nate was in.