Sunday, February 10, 2013

Assisi Day Trip

 This morning, on a whim, I decided to go to the famous pilgrimage site Assisi. Assisi is best known for being the home of St. Francis, founder of the Francisican order of Monks. It is a major pilgrimage site for many people in Rome, but it is also incredibly beautiful. I left in the morning with Teresa and Nate. We barely made our train, and arrived just in time. We spent the three hour train ride 'studying' for our Italian history midterm and getting excited about our day trip. We arrived in Assisi around 10am and were able to hit all the touristy/important pilgrimage sites by about 2:30.

Church... inside a church...

Carnivale Festivities we just happened to run into:

I just found out this party has unlimited free food, wine, and confetti :)

my man

Only in Italy do they have meat, cheese, and wine floats for the adults.

They were roasting this mean straight up on the float.