Sunday, January 13, 2013

Updates... now that I am safe and sound in Roma!

So, I feel like I am quite overdue with some updates..... unfortunately, the internet on campus is TERRIBLE I haven't been able to connect long enough to post these or any other pics, but I have been diligently saving my would be posts in a word document, which explains why these are all posted today...

I am all moved into my new room which I am sharing with a girl who attends U Scranton, but it originally from New York. The plane ride was terrific, and I am excited to be flying Luftansha again:

Great food (and wine!)

beer and good company in Germany

Flying over the Swiss Alps

 My new roommate and I at the Colosseum

After some introductions from the program director I went on a walking tour of the neighborhood. The neighborhood I live in is called Balduina on the hill Monte Mario. It's a residential neighborhood about 15 minutes from the Vatican. Next, I ate dinner in “Mensa,” or a fresh, delicious version of our school's cafeteria. The food is all Italian style, and the servers only speak Italian. It's a great experience, and I definitely don't feel like I'm eating in a cafeteria. After diner, I unpacked and hung out with my roommate. Finally, after 36 hours I finally went to sleep.