Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sunset at the Zodiac

Today my schoolwork finally caught up with me and I enjoyed the better part of the day through the library windows. I came to Rome to study, but somehow writing a two page reflection paper seems like the most daunting task of my life. As it started to get dark and I was having a hard time focusing on work with an empty stomach. I decided to head out on a walk before mensa with my friend Teresa. We walked to a secluded park called the Zodiac about 15 minutes from campus. We managed to catch a stunning view of Rome just as the sun was setting. We had an amazing time catching up on the last few months (Teresa is a full year), reflecting on our adventures so far, and all the epic life-talk conversations that result from having a friend studying theology, and whose father is a philosophy professor at the University of Chicago. It was a wonderful evening with views I won't soon forget.